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  • In terms of glenoid defects, does size matter?

    Apparently so. A new study looking at the postoperative recurrence rate after arthroscopic bony Bankart repair found that it was lower in male competitive rugby and American football players with a large glenoid defect, in fact 3x lower, than in those with a small glenoid defect.

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  • The Thrower's 10 Essential Exercises

    If you are an athlete who participates in a sport that requires overhead motions like throwing—which includes baseball, softball, and racquet sports—you know the amount of stress this places on your shoulder. Injury prevention is paramount to helping you stay involved in your sport longer and with less lost time. These "Throwers 10" exercises can help you maintain adequate mobility and stability for participation in your sport.

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  • When and how to spend a rest day

    A rest day is a day in which a person takes a break from their regular workout routine. Rest days are an important part of any exercise program. They give the body a chance to repair and recover, and help to prevent injury.

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  • The Best Workouts for Osteoporosis

    Your bones are living tissues that are constantly breaking down and rebuilding. And diseases that change bone architecture, such as osteoporosis, spell trouble. Fortunately, exercise done properly can help to rebuild bone and reduce the likelihood of fracture.

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  • Causes of Shoulder Pain and Treatment Options

    Shoulder pain has many different causes and treatments. It isn't easy to know the difference between different types of shoulder pain, like a frozen shoulder, shoulder blade pain, or symptoms of a rotator cuff tear. This is why you need to get medical attention if you have shoulder pain—and the treatment is tailored to the cause, your overall health, and your level of activity.

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  • American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons
  • The American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine
  • Arthroscopy Association of North america
  • International Society for Hip Artgroscopy